How To Budget When You’re Not Making Enough Money

How To Budget When You’re Not Making Enough Money

Budgeting can seem hopeless when you're not making enough money, but that is even more reason to create one! It doesn’t matter if you’ve lost your job, you have too much debt, or you just don’t make enough money, either way, the bills still need to be paid. When there...
How To Cut Expenses When You’re Low On Money

How To Cut Expenses When You’re Low On Money

Whether you've overspent early in the month, or you're spending more than you're making and adding to your credit card debt, it may be time to find some household expenses to put on the chopping block. While some of your unnecessary expenses may seem like they make...
How To Save BIG At Busch Gardens

How To Save BIG At Busch Gardens

Heading to Busch Gardens Tampa anytime soon? I've got the best tips so you can save since theme parks can get expensive quickly. Once you've scanned your tickets, the expenses just keep coming! While we are usually Disney fans, we decided to have a day of fun at Busch...
How To Celebrate Easter On A Tight Budget

How To Celebrate Easter On A Tight Budget

As a Christian, I feel like should celebrate Easter more than Christmas. The resurrection of Jesus is THE defining point of our faith. Celebrate Easter in the fact that Christ rose from the grave and death was defeated. However, our culture doesn't feel the same way....
How To Stay Motivated For Your Money Goals This Year

How To Stay Motivated For Your Money Goals This Year

Setting money goals for the year might seem simple enough, but achieving those goals isn’t as easy as it sounds. Knowing how you can stay motivated to reach your saving money goals is an essential step in actually achieving them. I struggle with remaining motivated,...
How I Saved Almost $1,000 With A No-Spending Challenge

How I Saved Almost $1,000 With A No-Spending Challenge

Interested in doing a no-spending challenge? No spend challenges are a fantastic way to motivate yourself to save more money each month! I couldn’t believe the results that I got when I put a little effort into not spending my hard-earned money. These challenges break...
How To Do A One Month Spending Freeze Challenge

How To Do A One Month Spending Freeze Challenge

A one-month spending freeze challenge is exactly how it sounds. The challenge is to not spend any additional money throughout the month. Many people choose to attempt this challenge to add to their savings, pay off debt, or save for a vacation. If you're interested in...
How To Spring Clean Your Finances

How To Spring Clean Your Finances

If you’re anything like me, then you might religiously check your budget and track your personal expenses every month so you can stay on top of things. However, staying on top of things doesn't necessarily mean you are void of having no emergency savings, a mountain...
How To Create A Tight Budget To Build Your Savings

How To Create A Tight Budget To Build Your Savings

If you are tight on money, then you are learning how to live on a tight budget. But, it's so important to put money away for savings regularly. Having money in a savings account will provide you with a cushion for emergencies and unexpected expenses that may pop up in...
Why Living A Healthy Life Can Save You Money

Why Living A Healthy Life Can Save You Money

When you think of the cost of being healthy, some things that might come to mind are gym memberships, organic foods, vitamins, and other expensive workout programs. While these are in fact ways to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into your everyday life, they are not...
The 4 Different Types Of Budgeting You Need To Try

The 4 Different Types Of Budgeting You Need To Try

Did you know there are different types of budgeting? There is. And since there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to how you budget your money, neither is one type of budgeting. Some methods may work better for you than others, but as long as you are sticking...