
If you have the desire to travel, but you’re broke, you can still be a broke traveler.

You may think there is no way on earth you’ll be traveling the world anytime soon just by looking at your bank account right now.

The truth is that traveling may even be cheaper than living in one place your entire life.

If you think you don’t have any money to travel, you may want to reconsider!

You don’t need to be wealthy to travel and you don’t need much money to see the world!

So I’ll share how to travel when you’re broke because if you have the urge to travel, you should!

With these frugal travel tips, you’ll be traveling in no time and without a huge bank account.

Traveling when broke is possible. You will need to do some planning, and some hard work too, but it’s doable!

Here is how you can travel the world even when you’re broke.

broke traveler

Put Your Credit Cards To Work

These days, you are going to need a credit card or debit card to pay for a lot of purchases. Amazon requires you to put in a card number to make purchases, and some bills may still be paid on your card even if it’s just a debit card.

If you are responsible with your credit card, you can put it to work to start seeing the world as a broke traveler! Use credit cards that give you money for miles and flights or even just cashback.


Create A Plan For Your Money

These FREE Budgeting Spreadsheets will help you keep a pulse on your money (from the palm of your hand).

By charging expenses you would have typically spent anyway to your card, you are saving for your travel without even trying! It’s how to travel when you’re broke!

This tip should only be used by those who are responsible with their credit cards and can afford to pay off the balance each month.

It’s not a good idea to open up a credit card, rack up a bunch of charges to get the miles or points, and not be able to pay off the card. This will only lead you to debt and leave you worse off than before you started.

broke traveler

The More Flexible You Are, The More You’ll Be Able To Travel

To travel the world as a broke traveler on a tiny budget, you need to be flexible not just with your time, but also with your location. After all, you probably have a pretty long travel list anyway.

There are so many choices out there when traveling when broke on low-cost airfare, and you may even save significantly if it’s a last-minute flight! Keep your travel list handy, and keep track of the best deals on locations where you want to go to.

This also means you’ll need to have your vacation stash ready for when a too good to pass up deal comes around!

broke traveler

Barter And Work While You’re Away

If you’re looking to do more traveling, you may have the skills others need! You can teach English, run the front desk of a hostel, or some other odd job in exchange for your stay.

Make a list of your skills and talents and see if any of them could be useful to get you a discounted rate while you are traveling as a broke traveler. It’s these frugal travel tips that can help you stay longer in a city you love.

Check out these tips to finding work abroad.

This works well if you are okay with working while traveling, but if you don’t want to work while you are away, it’s best to skip this one.

broke traveler

Look For Cheaper Accommodations

You don’t have to sleep on a park bench to get cheap accommodations. Airbnb, hostels, and discount hotel websites will let you stay in places beyond your imagination for so much less like a broke traveler!

Hostels can be a great way to meet people while you are traveling when broke, but if that’s not your cup of tea, look into Airbnb and live like the locals!


Create A Plan For Your Money

These FREE Budgeting Spreadsheets will help you keep a pulse on your money (from the palm of your hand).

Here are some tips you should know before staying in a hostel.

If you know of anyone who lives in the place you want to visit, see if they’d be willing to let you sleep on the couch or in a spare bedroom for a few nights.

If you do decide to stay with a friend or family member, make sure to respect their home and offer to return the favor if they visit you.

broke traveler

Lookout For Free Entertainment

Bars and restaurants will start to add up quickly! No matter where you are visiting, there are always going to be free or even affordable things you can do as a broke traveler.

Some places will have festivals or pay-what-you-can style tours of the city. These can be great ways to do some sightseeing on a budget!

As you can see, not one of these tips told you to take a second job or even a loan to afford cheap travel.

You can still see the world without needing a high paying job!

So I hoped you’ve learned how to travel when you’re broke because if you have the urge to travel, you should!

And with these frugal travel tips, you’ll be traveling in no time and without a huge bank account.

Traveling when broke is possible. You will need to do some planning, and some hard work too, but it’s doable!

If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to travel the world and look at all kinds of amazing sights no matter what your budget is.


YOUR TURN: What can you do to be creative and be a broke traveler on the cheap? Let me know in the comments below!

broke traveler
How To Travel The World Even When You’re Broke