
It's time to stop stressing out about money.

Heyyyy Friend, I'm Kati. I'm on a mission to help you spend LESS on your necessary expenses so that you have MORE to spend on fun things, like vacations (and sassy shoes… and Coach purses!).

Let me teach you how to spend smarter and manage your money better so that you can live a life of abundance.


How To Create A Tight Budget To Build Your Savings

How To Create A Tight Budget To Build Your Savings

If you are tight on money, then you are learning how to live on a tight budget. But, it's so important to put money away for savings regularly. Having money in a savings account will provide you with a cushion for emergencies and unexpected...

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How To Make Your Spending Freeze Budget for Groceries Stretch

How To Make Your Spending Freeze Budget for Groceries Stretch

We’ve all faced this scenario at least once: It’s the middle of the month, your budget for groceries is completely spent, and your cupboards are starting to look a little bare. Whether you’re in the middle of a spending freeze, or you just need to...

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The 4 Different Types Of Budgeting You Need To Try

The 4 Different Types Of Budgeting You Need To Try

Did you know there are different types of budgeting? There is. And since there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to how you budget your money, neither is one type of budgeting. Some methods may work better for you than others, but as long...

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How To Fill Your Emergency Savings Fund In Just 2 Months

How To Fill Your Emergency Savings Fund In Just 2 Months

Whether you're trying to pay off debt or just getting your financial life in order, we all need an emergency savings fund or a rainy day fund. Emergency funds are so essential for our financial security. When a financial crisis and unexpected...

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How To Plan Your Best Financial Year Ever

How To Plan Your Best Financial Year Ever

It’s a new year and a fresh start! If your New Year’s resolution this year is to make better money management decisions or even give your finances a financial makeover, you’re in the right place! I’m going to show you how to plan for your best financial year yet!

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How No Spending Month Challenges Can Reduce Stress

How No Spending Month Challenges Can Reduce Stress

Do you need to know how to spend no money this month? A no spending month might sound like more hassle than it’s worth. If you have a difficult time controlling your spending, a no spend month challenge might sound like setting yourself up to fail....

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How To Afford Travel Even When You’re In Debt

How To Afford Travel Even When You’re In Debt

Have you looked at your budget and can't find the money for travel expenses? You may be looking at your budget now and feel like all your money is going toward paying bills. Sure paying your mortgage, student loans, car loans, and credit cards are...

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Things You Need To Do Right Now To Improve Your Financial Life

Things You Need To Do Right Now To Improve Your Financial Life

Many people are looking to improve their finances this year, but have no idea how on earth to achieve this goal! If you are struggling to get ahead financially, just the idea of getting control of your finances can seem intense. I’m not going to lie to you and tell…

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Where Can I Serve You First?

At True Money Saver, my goal is to immediately help you save money (by reducing your food costs), then I'll get you on track to better manage your money (by setting up a realistic budget), and then you'll learn how to take those savings even deeper (by saving on EVERYthing you buy) so that you can live in abundance (and pay off any debt).

Grocery Savings

“Groceries” are not just the food you buy. It should include EVERYTHING you purchase at the grocery store (or Walmart/Target). That includes cleaning supplies, paper products, health & beauty items, and of course your food, too. There are simple ways to save on all of it (without using coupons, or sacrificing quality).

Managing Money

This is when things get fun. It's time to take advantage of the “low hanging fruit” by reducing spending on every single thing you buy… this is beyond the grocery store. Ways to save on Starbucks, movie tickets, household appliances, a vacation to Disney, and even a new car. Managing your money is the key to have more of it.

Debt Success

Once you know the strategies to save on your expenses, and you're successfully managing your money, now it's time to dig deeper and conquer the debt. It doesn't matter if it's student loans, credit cards, cars, or your mortgage. We're gonna defeat it once and for all, and make sure it NEVER comes back.


Items To ONLY Buy At The Dollar Store!

Items To ONLY Buy At The Dollar Store!

I always joke with my husband that when we walk into the dollar store, armed with a couple one dollar bills, that we feel RICH! 🙂 But there are definitely items at Dollar Stores that, while only $1, are too expensive and can be purchased cheaper...

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How To Make Cold & Flu Room Spray So You Don't Get Sick

How To Make Cold & Flu Room Spray So You Don't Get Sick

This is one spray bottle you will want to always have filled with the essential oils for colds and flu inside so you can combat the germs and make sure no one else in your family gets sick. It is a cold & flu room spray I've been using for...

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The Best Hand Antibacterial Spray You Need To Make Now

The Best Hand Antibacterial Spray You Need To Make Now

We were headed to Disney, the land of magic and germs when I realized I was almost of out of my hand antibacterial spray. I panicked! Here I just paid $3.50 for this brand new bottle of hand antibacterial spray from Walmart and I was almost out of...

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How To Get Bath & Body Works Coupons For FREE Products

How To Get Bath & Body Works Coupons For FREE Products

Ah, there's nothing like the glorious scent of a Bath & Body Works fresh fragrances or the soft, soothing skin care that glides seamlessly over your skin to make it beautiful. I've got boys... so I keep some fragrances right in the pocket of my...

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Best Selling Products

JumpStart Your Savings

Wouldn't it be nice to have more in your savings account? The JumpStart Your Savings program will help you add $500 to your savings in 30 days or less, without selling a single thing. It's like pulling money out of thin air.

The Cash Flow Formula

The Cash Flow Formula helps you manage your money without ever even creating a budget (what?!!). Yep. it calculates a budget FOR you automatically, based on your current spending. If you can squeeze out 15 minutes a week, then the Cash Flow Formula will help you forecast your spending so you never bounce another bill.

Debt Freedom System

You deserve to go on vacation more often without facing a credit card statement once you get back home. The Debt Freedom System teaches you how to pay off debt, in less time (without selling everything you own), even if you are living paycheck to paycheck on only one income.

We'd make great friends!

I help busy, over-exhausted moms, maximize their money so they can pay off debt and take fun family vacations without feeling guilty (or using credit cards). In three years my husband and I were able to pay off over $15,000 of consumer debt despite being a homeschool family living on one income. Before the pandemic, we took our family of 6 to Disney World every month… just because we want to make memories with them. (They grow up far too quickly!!)