
How To Successfully Finish Your Spending FreezeAre you starting a no spend challenge? Good for you!

There’s no better way to add money to your bank account than to stop spending altogether.

As time passes while on a spending freeze, it can start to get frustrating to want to spend money. It can also feel restrictive or you might also feel guilty when you don't get to, but I promise you that a Spending Freeze Challenge can be done!

So I'll share how to finish a no spend challenge so that you can complete it in style and with more money this year!

And, with my no spend challenge tips, you'll be armed with the knowledge to keep going until the end of the month and keep saving.

Plus, with my no spend challenge motivation, you'll be inspired to keep going during your no spend month.

If you’re having trouble knowing where to start a spending freeze, take a look at these ways that will help you make it through the remainder of your spending freeze so you can successfully finish it.

no spend

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

The majority of people who endure a No Spend Challenge (or Spending Freeze) do so to save money.

Whether you are saving money for Christmas, a vacation, or getting caught up on bills, you have decided that it is important enough to make some sacrifices.

Set some short-term financial goals such as paying off a credit card or having enough money to put towards a vacation.

These goals are how to finish a no spend challenge before you even start one!


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And then display that goal in a prominent place so that you see it ALL MONTH LONG to remind you why you are doing this challenge.

When you think about what’s important to you, you won’t feel the need to spend any more.

Put a reminder somewhere you'll see it every day. You could write a note on a door, the bathroom mirror, fridge, or even tape a note to the dash of your car (for those weak moments when you want to hit the drive-thru).

You could even include an affirmation to give you some additional motivation. I like to use quotes to motivate me to stay on track.

Here are a few of my favorites:

“The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money.”

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”

“Joy is not in things. It is in us.”

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Understand Your Triggers

If you start by identifying what makes you spend the most money, then you’re off to a productive start to your no spend month!

If you’re crazy about clothes, maybe it’s time to avoid the mall altogether. It's these no spend challenge tips that will help you identify what your spending habits are and how to stop them this month.

Don’t put yourself in a situation where you’ll want to spend your hard-earned cash.

Instead, find a new hobby that helps you de-stress. Here are a bunch of FREE hobby ideas.

Food is often something that people recklessly spend money on without even realizing it. If being hungry makes you stop by a fast food joint on your way home from work, it’s time to start packing snacks and eating those to delay the “hangry” feeling until you get home and can eat a more substantial meal.

It’s not hard to avoid your triggers if you’re honest with yourself about what they truly are.

no spend

Avoid Sales

During a no spend challenge, you've got to avoid sales like the plague!

It’s so easy to tell ourselves that something is worth buying because it’s marked down. In actuality, you might as well be flushing your money down the drain.

Sure, sales are fun and make us feel like we’re saving a lot of money, but if you’re buying items you don’t need, then you aren’t doing yourselves or your wallet any favors.

I've tried really hard not to look at the “promotions” folder in my inbox so that I don't see any of the sales I'm missing.

If I've learned anything by watching (and tracking) Grocery Sale Cycles, I've learned that every sale cycles back around and I can get it next time.

During this time, you'll have to find the no spend challenge motivation to keep going and not spend money.

Check out all the things you can do with no money!

no spend

Lock Away Your Credit Cards

Put those credit cards away and forget about them for the time being!

If this means leaving your cards in a shoebox in your closet so you won’t think about them for a while, then do it!

By not carrying around your credit cards, you’ll be less likely to be tempted to charge something. We all know how easy it is to charge something and forget about it until later.

You could at least tape a note to the front (I put a sticker on there) to gently remind yourself that you are participating in a Spending Freeze and might not want to spend what you've put in your cart.

It's easy to tell the cashier you've changed your mind and need to take a few items off your bill. You'll thank yourself later, instead of feeling guilty!

Don’t make the mistake of being careless with your money. Leave the cards behind, and you’ll thank me later.

These no spend challenge tips are for your own good – to save money not spend it!

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Tell Everyone You Know

Getting support from people that love you is one of the best ways to accomplish your no spend goals.

Let your family and friends know that you’re participating in a spending freeze so that they can help you get to your savings goal.

You're secretly hoping they don't invite you out or somewhere that requires spending money. And most of the time, I find that my friends all hop on board and participate with me (at least while we are together anyway).

It sure does help with the no spend challenge motivation to have someone else involved!


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In past months, my friends have all packed lunches when we go out, or chosen to go to the park instead of Chick-fil-A and we've made plans to swim at a friend's house instead of going to the mall.

One of the worst mistakes you can make is trying to go at a no spending challenge alone.

You need the support of others to get you through those tough times when you feel like your money is burning a hole in your wallet.

How to finish a no spend challenge is by getting support from the beginning that really helps keep you motivated!

Stay Focused

Do you ever get lost in the grocery store… browsing the different flavors of coffee maybe? Or visiting with the “sample lady” at Costco? Or maybe you got caught up by the bright orange clearance stickers on that endcap?

During the month of a spending freeze, I've learned to repeat to myself these words: STAY FOCUSED!

Going to a store like Target can be extremely difficult, just to get IN the store you have to pass a Starbucks on one side or the One Spot bins on the other! Talk about DANGER.

It can be easy to lose focus and spend more than you had intended. When I go into these stores during the freeze, my shopping trips have a purpose. I write a “Stay Focused” note at the top of my shopping list to remind me every time I look at it.

Stick to your list and get outta the store as fast as possible. I've been tempted to set a timer on my phone, just to keep myself and the kids accountable and on task.

A spending freeze can be daunting, but don’t let your spending habits rule you! It may be fun to spend money, but in the end, you’ll be looking at your bank account and wondering what happened.

By following the tips above, you’ll be sure to keep that cash and those credit cards where they belong. 

So I hope you've learned how to finish a no spend challenge so that you can complete it in style and with more money this year!

And, with my no spend challenge tips, you'll be armed with the knowledge to keep going until the end of the month and keep saving.

Plus, with my no spend challenge motivation, you'll be inspired to keep going during your no spend month.

Don’t flush your hard-earned money down the drain! Try your hand at a spending freeze and let me know if these tips helped you!


YOUR TURN: Do you know what triggers get you during a no spend challenge? Have the courage and share it with me in the comments below!

How To Successfully Finish Your Spending Freeze