Moms are busy ladies, and this can mean that a spa day for mom is usually out of the question.

If your mom is a busy woman, but you would still like to treat her to a relaxing day at the spa, you can do it on a budget!

Having a spa day at home can be an excellent way for her to relax right in the comfort of her own home!

Not only can she enjoy a relaxing afternoon, but she won’t even need to leave the house.

And since we know all mom's need a spa day badly, let's make her feel extra special!

So let's learn how to make a DIY spa day at home so mom can feel special and appreciated!

Plus, with these how to have a spa day at home ideas, you'll learn how to frugally spoil mom without spending a lot of money.

And, when you make a spa day at home for mom, she will be able to relax and recuperate without having to leave home!

So here is how you can create a spa day at home for your busy mom.

Create The Spa Atmosphere

If you’ve ever been to a spa before, then you know that you can feel the relaxing atmosphere from the moment you walk through the front door.

Spas have mastered this trick, and know exactly what to do to create a mood that encourages you to relax and unwind.

So there are a few tricks on how to make a DIY spa day at home.


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Start by dimming the lights and lighting a few candles. Or diffuse some oils including Lavender to relax her.

Look for soothing music, preferably without words to play in the background.

If you want to take things up a notch, consider investing in a soft robe for mom to wear during her spa day.

This spa day at home for mom will one she will always remember!

Make Your Own Spa Treatments

Treatments at the spa are expensive and will cost you anywhere from $20+ for even the cheapest treatments if you’re lucky.

If you’re on a budget, you can save some money and still give mom the spa treatment with a few DIY spa recipes.

You can even turn these into mother-daughter treatments and spend time together!

Here are a few face masks and foot soaks you can try, and here are eight classic face masks for all skin types.

These how to have a spa day at home ideas are just the start. Look for other ideas on how to make the best spa treatments, masks and bath salt recipes on Pinterest.

Make Your Own Spa Water

It’s important to stay hydrated during your spa experience, and boring tap water can dampen the mood a little. We want to make this spa day at home for mom a superb experience!

Therefore, add a few of your mom’s favorite fruits and herbs to a water pitcher, and fancy up that water.

Cucumber, lemon, and mint make a great combination and top it off with a fancy glass to put everything together.

Put Out Some Snacks

Skip the Doritos and think light foods.

Spas always put out a few snacks for customers to enjoy after treatments.

You don’t want to spend all day slaving over exotic foods, keep it simple. Tea sandwiches and fruit kabobs are always a good choice, and colorful foods can set the mood for your spa day for mom.

It's a great way on how to make a DIY spa day at home feel luxurious, and most importantly, to make her feel special!

Pampering Ideas

There are so many ideas out there for DIY spa days, and we’ve already touched on DIY spa treatments a little bit.

You can take the spa day to the next level by incorporating one or more of these into your afternoon as well.

Give your mom a mani/pedi, give her a massage, or even do an at-home facial.

Since these can take a surprising amount of work, just stick to one or two at the most.

These how to have a spa day at home ideas will make her feel extra loved and valued.

Leave The Distractions At The Door

When you are at the spa, the one thing they are firm about are no cell phones or electronic devices.

Consider keeping the atmosphere light and relaxing by leaving all distractions at the door.


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This includes younger children, phones, and anything else that might cause stress.

Put the phones on mute.

Add a big sign to the door of the bathroom to “Not Be Disturbed.”

Put a movie on the for the kids if need be or tell them it's quiet time with a book.

Draw A Warm Bath

If you are limited on options, or just want to give your mom a chance to relax, this can be a great way to give her some alone time.

Draw a warm bath, and put some of her favorite scented candles nearby.

Maybe put on some music, and treat her to some uninterrupted alone time.

You can have a face mask going at the same time and even keep a few light snacks and spa water nearby for her to enjoy.

This is a great budget-friendly option, or if you’re short on time.

As you can see, creating a spa day for mom at home is a great way to pamper yourself or your mother on a budget.

Spa days are expensive and can put you out hundreds of dollars.

I hope you've learned how to make a DIY spa day at home so mom can feel special and appreciated!

Plus, with these how to have a spa day at home ideas, you'll learn how to frugally spoil mom without spending a lot of money.

And, when you make a spa day at home for mom, she will be able to relax and recuperate without having to leave home!

You can afford to do a spa day for that extraordinary woman in your life without breaking the bank.


YOUR TURN: How would you envision a Spa Day for yourself? Let me know in the comments below!