So, you have known your mother all of your life, and still, you have no idea what to get her for Mother’s Day. It’s okay.

Most of us, at one time or another, draw a blank when it comes to picking out a special gift for a very special person, especially when you're on a tight budget.

Here are some suggestions for some quick gifts that Mom!

I spoke about this topic on my Savings Segment on Fox. Watch the replay video here:




One thing is for certain; your mother loves you. If the gift comes from your heart, your mother will consider it special, no matter the cost.

The mere fact that you remembered to give her a gift, regardless of the cost, is priceless to your mother.

However, even knowing this, you still have no idea what to get mom for Mother’s Day.

Here are some inexpensive and quick gifts that moms will love.

Kitchen Gadgets

Kitchen gadgets are fairly inexpensive and make quick gifts from the local discount store, dollar store or even the grocery store.

Next time you are at your mom’s house, sneak a peek at her utensils. Are her whisks out of shape? Are her spatulas bent beyond recognition?


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Save Money On Your Craft Supplies


Download this FREE Guide to find 25 Ways to save money when you buy craft supplies so that your beautiful creations cost less.

If so, buy her some new ones in fun, bright colors. You could even “wrap” them in a nest of new, pretty dish towels or put them inside a pretty Gift Basket.

Check out these ideas to help you get started making the best Gift Basket For Mom!


Your mom never gets tired of seeing your face, if not in person, then the next best thing: photos of you, and her grandchildren.

It is very inexpensive to make photo prints from your phone at your local pharmacies and turn them into quick gifts.

Look through your photos and find some special shots of a great time you spent with your mom. Find a pretty frame to put the picture in and voila, you have a priceless gift for under $10.

You could also create a photo album for your mom either online or the good old fashioned way using printed photos and an album!

Gift Cards

Is your mom on social media? Sneak a peek, and see what she “likes” when it comes to restaurants or coffee shops (out of the ordinary ones you would usually choose).

Mom appreciates gift cards, no matter what the amount.

A ten dollar gift card from a coffee shop would allow her to purchase a few cups of coffee when she meets up with a girlfriend.

A gift card from to the theatre would allow her to see a matinee. You could even go with mom to a movie on Mother’s Day. I bet she will love it!

{SIDE NOTE: Please don't pay full price for Mom's gift card. Use CardPool, CardCash or Raise to get up to 30% Off!}


Have you heard mom mention a movie she loved from her childhood or even a recent movie that she never gets tired of watching?

Discount stores have great sales on DVD’s or order them online at retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy or Walmart.

You can also find some great movies in sale bins at your local grocery stores or the thrift store!

Another great idea would be to purchase movie tickets (using the discounted gift cards above) for an upcoming flick that you could attend with your mom to have a special day together.


Does mom have a good system to organize her recipes, or is she like many busy moms, who crams them into several mix-matched boxes, only to spend hours looking for that special one for that special occasion?

If your mom would fall into the second category, here’s an idea: Ask to borrow her recipes for one day (or a week, depending on how long she’s willing to part with them) because you'd like to go through them and pick out some of your favorites.

Then, organize them for her! Write or print them out on new recipe cards, or copy them onto pretty paper and put in plastic sheets in a binder.

Find and decorate a recipe box or even a photo album to keep them all in.You could find a lot of inexpensive, and pretty, supplies at your local dollar store.


I know you would love to take your mom out for dinner, but the sometimes the budget may not allow this. Make dinner for mom!

Look online for inexpensive recipes for her favorite dishes and invite her over and surprise her with a candlelight dinner or even a yummy breakfast or brunch!


Save Money On Your Craft Supplies


Download this FREE Guide to find 25 Ways to save money when you buy craft supplies so that your beautiful creations cost less.

Save Money On Your Craft Supplies


Download this FREE Guide to find 25 Ways to save money when you buy craft supplies so that your beautiful creations cost less.

Eggs are always economical. You could make an egg casserole with some fresh fruit, coffee, and juice! Mom would be thrilled!

Are you an expert baker? Make mom one of your signature desserts!


Remember, mom loves spending time with you, no matter what you do. Just take the time to be with her, and she will have a very happy Mother’s Day.

You could plan a day to take a stroll through a local park together, or simply sit and play cards or go through photo albums together.

When you take the time, your single most valuable asset, and prioritize it to spend it with your mom, you'll make her feel super special.

Take some time to think about your Mom and give her the gift of love this year, all wrapped up in one of these easy, inexpensive and quick gifts.

You'll be glad you did.


YOUR TURN: What's the best Mother's Day gift you've received before? I'd love to hear it in the comments below!