
How to Earn Extra Money Reading Books You Love

Are you a bookworm who loves diving into captivating stories and exploring new worlds through literature? What if we told you that you could turn your passion for reading into a lucrative source of income? Yes, you read that right, book lovers!

In this blog post, we will guide you on how to earn extra money by reading books. From becoming a book reviewer to starting a possible voiceover career, there are various ways you can turn your love for books into a source of income even if you’re not an avid reader.

Don’t miss the list of top books and genres that pay the most at the end of this article… that’s where the money is!

Understanding the Publishing Industry

Before we delve into the different ways to monetize your reading habit, let’s start with some general background information about the publishing industry. Now more than ever there are countless ways to consume literary works. From online magazine sites to popular book subscription services, digital platforms are revolutionizing the publishing world.

As a reader, it’s important to be aware of the different types of literary works available and how they’re being published. For instance, self-published books are becoming more and more common in today’s market. New authors no longer need a mainstream publisher to bring their work to life. Furthermore, many successful authors have adopted a hybrid approach to publishing and use both traditional methods as well as digital platforms.

Types of publications to consider when considering a full-time income or on a freelance basis reading some of your favorite books:

  • Self-published authors
  • Graphic novels
  • Literary magazines
  • Non-fiction books
  • Audiobooks
  • E-books
  • Traditional print books


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Monetizing Your Reading

Now that you have a grasp of the book industry, let’s explore the different ways you can make money reading books. Here are some of the best places to consider to begin your adventure in book reviews. Whether you’re interested in new authors, thrive on being the grammar police, or book reviewing on third party websites, these are some of the easiest ways to monetize your reading as a side hustle.

Voice Talent for Audiobooks

If your reading hobby comes with a knack for voiceovers, consider a career as an audiobook narrator. This emerging field within the book industry is fueled by the rise in popularity of audiobooks. More and more people are switching to audiobooks for their ease of consumption, especially during commutes and downtime, thereby increasing the demand for talented narrators.

Audiobook Creative Exchange of Amazon (ACX) has lots of opportunities for you to get paid to read books. There are thousands of books to choose from for your narrating audition. You even determine the hourly rate you want to get paid.

You can also register with an audiobook company and submit audio samples of your work. Once accepted, you’ll be assigned books to read and provide voice talent for them. This is a great way to make money reading books from the comfort of your own home (although you might eventually want to invest in a good microphone). 

Become a Paid Book Reviewer

One of the most popular ways to monetize your reading habit is by becoming a book reviewer. You probably don’t realize that you possess valuable insights about specific books you’ve read. Your insights can assist other readers in deciding whether or not to read certain books. Why not get paid to share your knowledge on a broader scale?!

You can start by searching for ways to get paid to review books, and then pitching your services as a beta reviewer. The good news is that most publishing companies, online magazines, newspapers, and blog sites offer book reviews. Before being accepted, you might need to submit a sample review to start the application process.

Once accepted, you’ll receive free books to review and be given deadlines for when reviews should be completed. You will also likely need to provide links to your reviews on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook so that readers can find them easily.

Freelance Writing Jobs for Book Reviews

Freelance writing jobs offer another great way to make money from reading books. You can search for freelance writing gigs on job sites like Upwork and Fiverr or even one called Freelancer.

Initially, you’ll need to start out charging low rates as you build a portfolio that showcases your best book reviews. But soon you’ll attract higher paying clients. There are loads of new authors writing new books every single day who need your help reviewing their books. 

You can also search for companies that specialize in book reviews and content creation. Once you find a company you’re interested in, submit your writing samples and negotiate the terms of payment.

Writing Your Own Book Reviews

I bet you don’t realize that your own personal friends would like to hear your opinion about the books you read. Choose a genre that you love and start talking about the books on social media, then monetize it!

To do that, make videos talking about a book you recently read, and why you would (or would not) suggest someone read it. Create a channel on TikTok or YouTube and even post on your own personal Facebook profile to get feedback for your reviews. Once your following starts to grow, sign up to be an Amazon Influencer so that in each of your reviews you can add a link for people to purchase the book on Amazon. That will allow you to start making commissions. (Welcome to the online world of monetizing!)

Making Money as a Book Editor

If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for literature, working as a book editor could be the perfect way to earn money from reading. As an editor, you’ll be responsible for reading manuscripts, spotting errors, and suggesting improvements to enhance the quality and readability of the text. 

This role doesn’t just provide income; it also allows you to contribute to the process of bringing a writer’s vision to life. The payment varies greatly depending on the level of editing required (proofreading, copy editing, or structural editing) and the length of the book, but professional editors can charge both flat fees per project and hourly rates.

Teaching Reading Courses

If you’re passionate about reading and writing, teaching reading courses can be a great way to make money from your skills. This type of job allows you to teach others how to become better readers by sharing techniques and strategies that you’ve developed over the years. 

There are even online options to tutor such as Cambly or Tutor.com

You could also see if your local school needs tutors or maybe you have a local homeschool group (or co-op) where moms would gladly pay for you to teach a literature class. My kids have taken science classes for years where fellow moms in our area taught my kids. It was very valuable to me to allow someone else to help teach them that subject (we paid around $400 per year, per student, for the class).

Finding Work

Finding book reading jobs is a great way to make money from your love of reading. There are websites that offer paid opportunities for readers to read books, write reviews, or even proofread.

These platforms also provide additional tasks such as writing summaries and helping authors with their editing process. This type of job can be extremely rewarding as you get to help authors perfect their books. Plus the income potential is quite high. There are various online platforms where you can find book editing jobs. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr often have listings for editing jobs that you can apply for. 

You could also explore opportunities with traditional publishing houses. Just keep in mind that you will likely need a degree in English or some experience in the publishing industry.

As you start building this side hustle, remember to create a strong portfolio that showcases your editing skills and experience. Include before-and-after samples of your work, testimonials from prior clients, and any relevant certifications or training you’ve completed. Make sure to update your resume and optimize your LinkedIn profile to include the relevant skills and experience that make you a credible book editor.

Tips for Success

To maximize your earning potential through reading, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Check job boards regularly
  • Consistency is key. Whether this is your chosen career path or a side gig, regularly post book reviews, articles, or other book-related content to establish yourself as a reliable source of information.
  • Engage with the book community. Connect with fellow readers, authors, and publishers on social media platforms, attend book events, and join book clubs. Networking can open doors to exciting opportunities.
  • Develop your unique voice and style. Stand out from the crowd by infusing your personality and personal insights into your book reviews and content.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest book releases, industry news, and trends. This will allow you to provide timely and relevant content to your audience.

Top Books and Genres to Earn Extra Money

To give you a head start, here’s a list of top books and genres that have the most potential to earn extra money:

  1. Psychological Thrillers: Books that keep readers on the edge of their seats with suspenseful plots and unexpected twists.
  2. Self-help and Personal Development: Books that offer guidance and inspiration for personal growth and success.
  3. Fantasy and Science Fiction: Popular genres that transport readers to imaginative worlds filled with magic, technology, and epic adventures.
  4. Young Adult Fiction: Books targeted towards young adults that often tackle important themes and resonate with a wide range of readers.
  5. Mystery and Crime Fiction: Engaging stories that captivate readers with intriguing mysteries and compelling characters.

Remember, it’s crucial to choose books that genuinely resonate with you as a reader. That way your review is authentic and realatable.

Earning money by reading books is a rewarding journey that can open doors to exciting opportunities doing what you already love. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a book and get reading!


How to Earn Extra Money by Reading Books