Ah, there's nothing like the glorious scent of a Bath & Body Works fresh fragrances or the soft, soothing skin care that glides seamlessly over your skin to make it beautiful.

I've got boys… so I keep some fragrances right in the pocket of my car to spray into my a/c vents when I pick my boys up from a sports practice.

It's rescued my nose on more than one occasion.

But that glorious scent can be PRICEY! And sometimes we want to try out a scent for longer than just a day and see if it really becomes our perfect signature scent for the season, right?

The best way to do that is with FREE Bath & Body Works items.

And getting them free is SO simple! Bath & Body Works actually sends you coupons for FREE items directly to your mailbox!

Yes, just sign up for the Bath and Body Works mailing list and they will mail coupons for FREE items directly to your home!

However, finding where to sign up to get those valuable FREEbie coupons, is not easy. I'll walk you through it below along with a few fun tips too!

Because I receive coupons from the Bath and Body Works mailing list every few weeks and then I take them to the store to get FREE products!

And now you can too!

Bath & Body Works coupons are fun gifts arriving in the mail… Oooo what scent will you choose? Should you get the body lotion or the shower gel?

And don't miss the fun Bath & Body Works hack at the bottom of this post, so keep reading!

How To Get On The Bath and Body Works Mailing List:

There are two ways to get on the Bath and Body Works mailing list and receive Bath & Body Works coupons for FREE products:

Way #1: 

Next time you are at the store and checking out at the register, they will ask for your email address… ask if you can give them your mailing address also in order to get on the Bath & Body Works mailing list for more bath & body works coupon freebies.

After you give it to them you should start receiving coupons for their next promotion, approximately 4-6 weeks later.

Way #2: (the faster way)

The easiest (and quicker way) to get those Bath & Body Works coupons by mail, is to sign up on their website to be on the Bath and Body Works mailing list.

But it is not an easy place to find where to sign up.

  1. Go to the Contact Bath & Body Works section on their website
  2. MOST IMPORTANT: For the “Topic” select the drop down option: “Mailing Address Add/Update”
    (If you don't select this option, then the next drop down won't appear for you to ask them to add you to their mailing list)
    Here's a screenshot:
  3. Fill in your contact information
  4. For the “Request Type” select the drop-down “Add me to the mailing list” (this is the important part so that they route your mailing address to the right place so you get on the list!)
    Here's a screenshot of that too:

    Repeat this process in your husband's (or daughter's) name to receive a second free coupon in the mail too! Bonus!

In about a month you’ll receive your first Bath & Body Works coupon FREEbies in your mailbox!

That's Happy Mail!

Those Free Bath & Body Works Coupons Could Make You Overspend

Bath & Body Works puts out two kinds of FREE coupons; Free with purchase (usually $5), and just FREE with no purchase. I've received both.

Sometimes it feels uncomfortable to walk up to the cash register with only your item and a coupon to make that item FREE. But I'll tell you, Bath & Body Works doesn't care either way (if you make a purchase with the coupon or not). Thankfully, they don't make you feel like a cheap-o when you don't buy anything else along with the free product.

In fact, they know you'll love it, and come back later to buy more. (Otherwise they wouldn't have such an incredible unlimited Happiness Guarantee.)

If I feel obligated to buy, but it's a “tight” month so I really don't want to spend extra, then I'll say that last time I was in the store I bought loads of stuff, but didn't have my free coupon with me (with is the truth… there are PLENTY of times when I shop using just other coupons and don't have a coupon for a FREE product).

The reason I mentioned this strategy is that sometimes it feels awkward to go to the register and ask for ONLY the FREE item. But they really don’t mind. My suggestion gives you something to say, and yes, it is the truth. And it's just one more reason to get some Bath & Body Works coupons by mail.


Create A Plan For Your Money

These FREE Budgeting Spreadsheets will help you keep a pulse on your money (from the palm of your hand).

Use Your Bath & Body Works Coupons To Get More Of Them

The more you shop at Bath & Body Works, the more coupons you will get.

Now, that can be dangerous for your budget, but if you use those coupons they send you, then they will send you more.

Make sure you give the cashier your email and phone number when you are paying so that the company gets to know your buying habits and sends you more coupons to keep you coming back.

One time when I was shopping for my husband so I asked them to add his name to the mailing list and he started receiving coupons too, in addition to the ones I was receiving. BONUS!!

Also, most stores are super generous with their expiration dates and allow you to use your coupons 3 days before or after they expire. You just need to call the store to check and make sure before you head up there.

Make Easy & Fun Gifts

My favorite thing to do is to collect the travel items I get for free and then set up a mini gift bag for visitors that come over.

My daughter also loves to steal items from my stash and give them to her friends as birthday gifts. They are ALWAYS impressed (and how can you not love the cost of FREE?!).


Don’t forget to pair up the Bath & Body Works coupons you receive in the mail with the sale going on to maximize your savings. (Learn how to get the most for your money when you shop at Bath & Body Works here.)

That'll help you get more Bath & Body Works coupons by mail.. so you can start the whole process over again. 😉


Your Turn: Let me know if you have gotten FREE Bath and Body Coupons by mail. And if you have any other Bath & Body Works hacks & tips too. Comment below!