While it's a fact of life that we all go poo, my toilet time is not something I want to share with the world.

But it happens… the smell… no matter how healthy you eat, it's there.

The one thing you don't want to happen is for your toilet time smells to smack the next bathroom guest in the face like a 2 by 4. Although, it's certainly happened to the best of us.

So while we all go, someone else does not need to know what exactly happened during my toilet time.

I've been on a quest to find the best products for our home and since there are 6 of us, toilet time spray was the one recipe we needed… pretty badly.

You see, as your kids get bigger, so do their smells. My little baby (now 12) can now virtually evacuate the van with just one gaseous release.


Stop Paying So Much For Cleaning Products!


Download this FREE sheet of 10 DIY Cleaning Supply Recipes to make your own cleaners in just a few minutes, with ingredients you probably already have on hand.

So as you can see, a toilet time spray was a definite NEED.

But this recipe had to be fast to make. I don't like to take too long on one project, as usually, I have several other projects already waiting for me. There's always another load of laundry or meal to make.

Of course, this toilet time spray needed to really work well. No one should know anything, right?!!

And, it had to be easy. Pour, shake, and go is my kinda recipe.

So I've made the best DIY toilet spray with essential oils so no one has to know anything!

Plus, this homemade toilet spray is super cheap to make. Surely cheaper than the $10 bottles I've seen.

And, this DIY toilet odor eliminator spray is so quick to make! Making it easy to refill a bottle when you need to.

And guess what I found? A great toilet time spray that will take your worries away! So let's get busy making this great recipe!

toilet time

Ingredients & Supplies:

Here's what you need to make this toilet time secret gem:

  • Small glass or plastic spray bottle
  • 1/8 to 1/4 Cup Distilled or Reverse Osmosis Water (depending on the size of your bottle)
  • 1 teaspoon Vegetable Glycerin  (easily found in the health & beauty section at your local grocery store)
  • 1-2 teaspoons Rubbing Alcohol
  • 20 Drops Lemon Essential Oil (price varies) (I use the Young Living brand because of their purity promise)
  • 20 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil (price varies) (I use the Young Living brand because of their purity promise)

If you are using a smaller sprayer bottle to hold your DIY toilet spray with essential oils, such as adding a new spray top to an old essential oil bottle, you may need to cut this recipe by half.

If you are looking for something to keep in your purse or diaper bag, here is a great little refillable travel size perfume spray bottle that would work great for your homemade toilet spray. And since it doesn't look like a poo spray bottle, no one will ever know!

toilet time


To make this toilet time spray, add to your glass bottle the glycerin and the alcohol.

Then, add the essentials oils and top off the bottle with distilled or reverse osmosis water leaving room for the sprayer. Distilled water will prevent the liquid from getting yucky.


Stop Paying So Much For Cleaning Products!


Download this FREE sheet of 10 DIY Cleaning Supply Recipes to make your own cleaners in just a few minutes, with ingredients you probably already have on hand.

Shake your DIY toilet odor eliminator spray bottle to combine the ingredients.

Feel free to add other essential oils to this homemade toilet spray recipe to make it your own.

Then once you have your toilet time spray, spray the mixture into the toilet water before you go and no one will even know!

toilet time

How Much Does It Cost?

Here's how the cost breaks down for this super cheap Toilet Time Spray:

  • Small glass or plastic spray bottle = FREE if you are reusing an old spray bottle
    (or add 71¢ per bottle if you just bought the spray nozzle for an old essential oil bottle)
  • 1/8 to 1/4 Cup Distilled or Reverse Osmosis Water (depending on the size of your bottle)
  • 1 teaspoon Vegetable Glycerin = 11¢
  • 1-2 teaspoons Rubbing Alcohol = 4¢
  • 20 Drops Lemon Essential Oil (price varies) (I use the Young Living brand because of their purity promise)
  • 20 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil (price varies) (I use the Young Living brand because of their purity promise)

Total Cost = 15¢ per bottle 

Note: This does not cover the cost of the essentials oils.

Also, add 85¢ to your total if you do not have distilled water or reverse osmosis water on hand. That is about how much it costs to purchase a gallon of distilled water from Publix or another grocery store.

Can you believe how little this homemade toilet spray costs?! I was amazed at just how cheap I can fill up my own toilet time spray!

Before your next toilet time, don't forget to make your very own toilet time spray.

So I hope you enjoy this best DIY toilet spray with essential oils so no one has to know anything!

Plus, this homemade toilet spray is super cheap to make. Surely cheaper than the $10 bottles I've seen.

And, this DIY toilet odor eliminator spray is so quick to make! Making it easy to refill a bottle when you need to.

And it’s so easy. It probably took me less than 2 minutes to make. Now that’s the kind of easy I love!


YOUR TURN: What other essential oils would you use on your toilet time spray? Let me know in the comments below!

toilet time