When I get to cleaning my home, I'm like a madwoman and there's no stopping me.
I want to get it all done without any interruptions. Just leave me alone so I can get the job done so I can get on with the rest of my day.
That's one reason why I love knowing how to make my own DIY cleaning supplies. Not only have I found that I can make them so much cheaper, but they are so easy to make when you run out.
I no longer have to stop and run to the store to grab supplies during my cleaning time, I just simply make a new batch! It's that simple.
So let me share with you my simple and easy DIY soft scrub cleaner recipe so you can start making your own today too!
Plus, this soft scrub cleaner with essential oils not only smells great, but the oils are also great at cleaning and disinfecting too.
And, my homemade soft scrub with baking soda is so cheap to make. It costs less than two quarters!!
So let's whip up a batch of soft scrub cleaner so you'll be ready for your next cleaning day!
Ingredients & Supplies:
- 1 & 1/4 cups Baking Soda = 40¢
- 1/2 cup Purified or Reverse Osmosis Water = Free (or add 85¢ for a gallon at your local store)
- 15 Drops Lemon Essential Oil (price varies) (I use the Young Living brand because of their purity promise)
- 10 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil (price varies) (I use the Young Living brand because of their purity promise)
- 1/4 cup Liquid Castile Soap = 3¢
- Squeeze bottle (at least 10-12 oz; check your recycling bin!)
- Funnel
- Mixing bowl and metal spoon
- Sponge or rag for cleaning
Stop Paying So Much For Cleaning Products!
Download this FREE sheet of 10 DIY Cleaning Supply Recipes to make your own cleaners in just a few minutes, with ingredients you probably already have on hand.
As you can see, this DIY soft scrub cleaner is so affordable and such a great alternative to having those nasty chemicals in your home.
Soft Scrub Cleaner Directions:
In a large bowl, add the baking soda.
Then, add the water and the liquid castile soap. Mix well.
Next, add the essential oils and mix well.
While I love my Stainless Sink Cleaner with baking soda, I really wanted something quick and easy to grab to use everywhere around the house.
This homemade soft scrub with baking soda is really nice to have on hand just in case I find the bathroom counters and sinks extremely dirty before a quest comes over.
How & Where To Use The Soft Scrub Cleaner
Just shake it up each time you go to use it to make sure everything is combined well.
Kitchen & Bath Sinks: Use this soft scrub cleaner with essential oils any place that needs a good deep cleaning. This scouring liquid is good at getting deep ground-in dirt and grime.
Stop Paying So Much For Cleaning Products!
Download this FREE sheet of 10 DIY Cleaning Supply Recipes to make your own cleaners in just a few minutes, with ingredients you probably already have on hand.
And since it's an all-natural cleaner, there will be no worries about it going down your drains.
Tubs & Showers: You can use this DIY soft scrub cleaner in your showers and tubs too! It's great at getting that grime leftover from soap and hair care. Rinse with water after you are done.
So I hope you've learned how to make my simple and easy DIY soft scrub cleaner recipe so you can start making your own today too!
Plus, this soft scrub cleaner with essential oils not only smells great, but the oils are also great at cleaning and disinfecting too.
And, this homemade soft scrub with baking soda is so cheap to make. It costs less than two quarters and makes a great addition to your cleaning supplies!!