
Fox 13 LogoDid you catch our Savings Segment this morning on Fox 13?  We are honored to be a featured on Good Day Tampa Bay each Sunday to share our knowledge about coupons and how to get the most for your money!  This week’s topic was all about how to save on gas this summer!

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Here is a little more information for you:

  1. Use Gift Cards – Most gas stations offer different pricing, and the price on the sign is always the lower “Cash” price. When you use a Gift Card to pay, that enacts the cash price and you get the best deal!
  2. Get Even Cheaper Gift Cards – Publix offers promotions once a quarter to save $10 when you buy a $50 gas card. That is saving you 20% off of your tank of gas! Unfortunately, one deal just ended last weekend. Don’t worry! It’ll be back again in a month or so!
  3. Utilize FuelPerks Program – Winn Dixie offers a program called FuelPerks. It allows you to earn money towards your gas at Shell Stations.
    • Purchase your groceries just like normal and when you reach $50 (does NOT have to be all in one trip), you earn $.05 cents per gallon!
    • But Wait! It gets even better. When you purchase Gift Cards (yes, they can be GAS gift cards), you earn $.10!
    • FuelPerks are on the first 20 gallons of gas!
    • Can be used along with Coupons: so you can ring up groceries, reach the $50 threshold, which earns your FuelPerks, then take off coupons!
    • Baby Alert: If you have a baby, register for the Winn Dixie Baby Club in order to earn $.10 for every $25 spent on Baby items!

    Here’s how to maximize these gas gift cards: get $10 off by purchasing your shell gas gift card at Publix during their promotion, then utilize Fuel Perks when using the gas gift card at Shell. Win-Win!

  4. Use Your SmartPhone to Compare Prices – Check out the Gas Buddy App or GasPriceWatch.com to check for the lowest priced gas station while you’re out and about. It may save you an extra 20 cents PER gallon to go a couple more blocks up the road that’s already on your route!
  5. Credit/Debit Rewards Card – Be sure to check the rewards on the credit cards or debit cards you have. You may already be able to save 3% to 5% on gas purchases. Or you may get cash back bonuses. Designate that credit card to use for gas every single time! You see, the FuelPerks only work on the first 20 gallons of gas. So, just close out that transaction at 20 gallons and then pay for the rest of your gas with a Reward Generating Credit Card. This ensures you get the most for your money!

Basically, most people don’t think there is any way to use their coupon and money saving skills to save money at the pump – but there is! With these tips you can spend more on your Summer Activities because you’ll learn how to save money on gas this summer!

~Happy Summer Saving!
