You can expect to find NO coupon inserts in your Sunday paper
this Sunday, December 18, 2011 and NONE on Christmas Day 12/25/11.
If you don’t want to pay for all those papers you won’t use, you can request a hold on your home delivery service for the next (2) Sundays. (Make sure to start your service back up for 01/01/12 because there will be at least a P&G insert that week!)
Here is the contact information for the Tampa Tribune and the Orlando Sentinel:
- Tampa Tribune, you can call: 813-874-2863 or 800-282-5588 Mon-Fri 6 am-5 pm; Sat 6 – 10 am OR go HERE to “manage your subscription” and choose between 2 options:
1. Donate the cost of those held papers to News In Education (a program that provides newspapers for use in local classrooms**)
2. Place a hold on your paper delivery (which extends your subscription by one week, or the number of weeks you put on hold) - Orlando Sentinel – 1-800-359-5353
You can use this time to get all your coupons organized again and be ready for 2012.
If you're worried about having coupon withdrawals over the next 2 weeks,
check out our Printable Coupons page.
There are plenty of coupons you can print.