
Names of God2This year I am tackling the project of learning the various names of God. One per week. Twenty-six names of God and twenty-six names of Jesus. Now, this is not EVERY SINGLE name and title mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, but they are the most significant ones.  I am using a daily devotional book written by Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of God.  You are welcome to read along and join me on this journey! The book is SO enjoyable to read, some day’s I just don’t even want to put it down. I am writing notes and circling all through it so that I can look back through it later as a reference.

Ancient names carried far more significance than they do today. In addition to distinguishing one person from another, they also revealed the character and essential nature of a person. By revealing his name, God becomes more vulnerable to us. That gives us the ability to know God better. Deeper.  Through prayer, we invoke the name that most relates to our circumstance and feel more connected to the one who created us. It’s like when your child calls you “Kati” instead of “Mom”, we just respond differently, right?

Here’s what I learned in my third week…

The third name of God that we are studying is El Shadday (pronounced EL shad-DAI). The all powerful, God almighty. El Shadday is the covenant name of God. Showing us that nothing is impossible. It is found in Genesis when God told Abraham to “walk before me and be blameless”. God then changed Abraham and Sarah’s names (they were Abram and Sarai), and the name change signified the promise (covenant) made by God to bless Abraham and Abraham’s descendents. El  Shadday reveals a God who is seen as strong and unchanging, who creates and maintains the universe but who also initiates and maintains a covenant with his people.

Personal reflection: I have a habit of worry. Actually, James does too…we make a good pair. I start to get hives, and feel anxious. El Shadday has the power to help us bear up under any temptation to worry and have confidence in God’s ability to sustain and bless us. In fact, the Bible proves that it is the very nature of God to bless those who love him. Remember the story of Joseph? It is found in Genesis, chapters 37-50. But the best part of the story is found in chapter 49, verses 22-26. It is a synopsis of the story, and it shows that no matter what is going on in our lives, God still blesses our lives. Persistently blesses our lives. Joseph was kidnapped, almost murdered, sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison. All while innocent. Just one of those obstacles would throw me over the edge. Joseph’s resilience in the face of so many obstacles is compelling evidence of the Almighty’s power to bless our lives, regardless of who or what stand in the way.

Key verse that spoke to me:  Proverbs 18:10 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run to it and are safe.”  My personal worry is actually doubt. Doubt of trusting in God’s Promises. The fact of the matter is, Nothing can prevent El Shadday, our Almighty God, from carrying out his plans and pouring out his blessing son those who belong to him. And he can use even the worst of circumstances (like Joseph’s) to bless us as long as we trust him. Think of all the ways the Almighty is capable of blessing a person, of all the ways he is capable of blessing YOU (and me).

Want more? Go HERE to read about El Roi (pronounced el raw-EE), the God who sees me or Go HERE to read about Elohim (e-lo-HEEM), The Mighty Creator.
Go HERE to learn more and purchase the book, Praying the Names of God.

~Join me to get to know God deeper in 2013! 
