
Share The Love Kindness Challenge Day 2: Play A Game That Feeds the Hungry

I believe kindness is contagious.

So I’ve come up with a MONTH of FREE ideas to spread kindness and make this world a little better. If you missed Day 1, you can catch that one here. Today’s challenge will take you only 10 minutes, but for someone in a famished country, it could mean their entire day’s meal.

Share the Love Kindness Challenge

DAY 2 Challenge: Feed The Hungry By Playing Trivia (sounds crazy right?)

This is actually a FUN Free way to FEED others… and you can even do it with your kids in the car! (Well, not you… hand your phone over to a child who can read…)

Today’s challenge is to play a special “Free Rice” online vocabulary game. For each answer that you get correct, the website donates 10 grains of rice through the World Food Program to help end hunger.

It’s free to play and you are helping feed people in need! Pretty cool, right?

I’ll warn you… it’s slightly addicting from a “homeschool Mom who is curious if she remembers vocabulary words like on the SAT” point of view. So I suggest you set a 10 minute timer first, and see what level you can get to. Then have your middle or high schooler do it too and see who got to the highest level. {then tell them you LET them win!}


It feels good to take 10 minutes and know you helped make the world a better place today. For FREE.

~I’ll see you tomorrow morning at 9am with your next opportunity to share some love!

Have an idea for ways to bless others without it costing any money? Please comment below!
