
Ever since I can remember being an adult, my Mom and I usually come up with a “Theme Word” for the year. Then we figure out a song (usually contemporary Christian) and a verse to use throughout the year to inspire us. It has continued to be a concept that I talk about with my kids too.

But in 2016 I didn't have a theme. I didn't even have a single word.

Nothing stood out to me and the year started and continued and pretty soon I was all caught up in it… with no word.

No word to inspire.

No word to keep me “on” top of my goals.

No word for God to use to help me through tough times.

And it was one of the hardest years of my life. My business struggled, my personal time almost completely vanished, my physical appearance struggled (resulting in weight gain), and I felt like I was constantly fighting my flesh nature to have any sort of spiritual gain.

So you can BET I am not gonna repeat that this year.

As soon as December came, I started thinking about my theme word for 2017. And I started brainstorming with my Mom and my daughter Annabelle. I wanted the Lord to help me choose one that would really REALLY resonate with every area of my life:


And while it took lots of prayer and asking the Lord for His perfect word for my year… one day when Annabelle and I were driving as we were listening to music, it came to her (and you are more than welcome to use it as your own also):

Accomplishing in Twenty Seventeen

So I put my theme to paper to figure out exactly what my goals should be that line up with “Accomplishing” them. The best productivity coaches in the world will tell you that in order to accomplish goals, we have to first, set them. And beyond that, make them specific and measurable.

So that's what we did.

My entire family.

Since James and I had already sought the Lord's guidance for our year, and submitted to His best will (even through a bad year we can rejoice for what He accomplished… and He did accomplish some pretty remarkable things in 2016, just nothing I would've ever set out to be a “goal”) We set our yearly goals for 2017. Then we set monthly goals to keep us accountable.

We wrote them right on the white board in our kitchen. Each month we will review them to see if we accomplished them, or if we need to tweak the goal to make it more attainable for the next month.

January 2017 Goals

I also made a daily goal setting sheet that I am using on multiple levels. I cut each month out and use it as a daily bookmark in my morning devotional. X'ing off that box every day is soooooo satisfying. And feeling good about something automatically makes me want to do it the next day.

Daily Goal Tracker

You are welcome to use my sheet too! Download the Daily Goal Tracker here.

And just in case you want to track a little more details (I have a goal to get my inbox to zero this year) I made this download too

Well? What goals do you have for this year?

Pay Off Credit Cards? {determine how much you want to pay off, and the monthly amount}
Lose Weight? {determine how many pounds you want to lose for the year and break that down into actions you can do to lose a certain amount each month}
Be A Better Parent? {identify what areas you want to change and then brainstorm ways to make that happen daily}

Or maybe you want to create a stockpile, get more organized, or low your out of pocket cost when using coupons. Specify exactly what you want that goal to be. Then be intentional about them and let's get going this year!

I truly believe that 2017 is going to be our best year ever. And that we will be amazed not only at the destination of attaining our goals, but also at the journey. Are you ready? Me too!

We serve a big God who can accomplish the impossible, right?! Tell me, what is your word? What is God hoping to accomplish in you this year? Comment below and let me know!

Curious what bible verses I am using as inspiration for my year? I've got them right here, and I've included them on the printable download too.

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” Psalm 20:4

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”  Proverbs 16:3