
Fox Deal 8-31-14 aEach week we are honored to be guests on Fox and we highlight an easy, super cheap deal. This was the deal this week:

{Deal Scenario: At CVS}
Buy: (1) Pantene Styler Item, 5.7-11.5 oz @ $3.33 each
Use: (1) $1 Off (1) P&G Item CVS Coupon (printing at Coupon Kiosk all week)
$2 Off (1) Pantene Styler Items in today's P&G 8/31/14
Pay: $3.33 (product total) – $3 (coupon total) = 33¢ Total (plus tax)
Final Price: Only 33¢ each!

This deal will last all week, it ends on Saturday, 9/6!

{Outside the Tampa Bay area, you may have received a different coupon value of $5 off (3) items or $2 off (2) items. You will need to purchase more items in order to use those coupons.}
There are a few other coupons you can use with this sale if you also want Shampoo or Conditioner. But the CVS coupon is limited to one, so the other items will cost $1.33 each. Which is still a great price!
You can find another $2 Off (1) Pantene Styler coupon in SS 8/17/14 (different regions received different coupon values. (WATCH the expiration date! It expires TODAY 8/31/14)
There are also several printable coupons available:
$1/1 Pantene Styling Product Printable
$1/1 Pantene Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Product Printable
$2/2 Pantene Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Product Printable

Since you are already headed in there, check out ALL the deals currently going on at CVS!

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~Happy Coupon Shopping!