
Spring cleaning can be time-consuming, but it is so beneficial!

While you may not want to tackle this beast, it can really be good for your home, well-being, and your wallet.

Decluttering your home can reduce allergens and toxins, including dust which can help you breathe better. Which automatically makes you feel better!

Finishing this task can also give you a sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself and your home.

Did you know that cleaning and decluttering your home can make you some money too? It can!

As you set out to renovate, refresh and re-energize your home this spring, use these spring cleaning tips and tricks because getting your home in shape makes you feel good!

When you have a spring cleaning yard sale, you can get rid of all the things you aren’t using and make some money to add to your savings account.

Plus, while you are spring cleaning to declutter your house, you can make more room to live, breathe and feel comfortable in your home again.

Get ready to have everyone pitch in and get the spring cleaning done quickly. And while you’re digging out items that you can sell for a profit, you can create family goal and even a treat too!

spring cleaning

1. Have A Plan For Spring Cleaning

It doesn’t take much time to get your house in good shape quickly. Here is a neat downloadable guide that will help you save time as you are cleaning.

Having a spring cleaning plan makes it so much easier to get it done quicker, because then you know what you need to do next. It keep you on goal and on task.

Use these spring cleaning tips and tricks to get rid of stuff you don’t need, use, or even like!


Stop Paying So Much For Cleaning Products!


Download this FREE sheet of 10 DIY Cleaning Supply Recipes to make your own cleaners in just a few minutes, with ingredients you probably already have on hand.

Then, start spring cleaning to declutter your house room by room and have everyone assigned to a job. Just spend 30 minutes a day, dig in and pull everything out, then clean the area, then choose what gets kept, sold, donated or trashed.

We have been taking a closet/cabinet/drawer at a time and tackle that one time during the day in order to work through the entire house quickly and efficiently.

We add what rooms we are doing to the calendar and to the chore chart. That way, everyone knows what they are supposed to do and when.

These spring cleaning tips and tricks help me each year and I can’t wait to get started again!

spring cleaning

2. Get Deals On Spring Cleaning Supplies

March and April bring glorious sales on spring cleaning supplies.

Big box stores such as Target and Walmart have deals on cleaning supplies. Even grocery stores such as Publix does too.

And I always buy my paper towels and toilet paper from Amazon because you can get good deals when you know how to find them. The cost is consistently cheaper than Costco and the big huge box gets delivered to my doorstep so I don’t have to lug it in and out of the car. Score!

Want to quickly deep clean? Use steam! I love my Bissell steam mop and Amazon will deliver it right to your door too!

spring cleaning

3. Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies And Save Even More

You can save a ton of money using common household products you already have on hand to make great cleaners at a fraction of the cost.

Vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaner and perfect for your spring cleaning.

Baking soda is gentle enough to use as a mild abrasive in many areas of your home.

Lemons & hydrogen peroxide have a natural bleaching ability.

Just replacing a couple of your cleaners with these cost effective ones will save you around $300 per year!

Check out all my DIY Cleaners:

Repurpose Those Newspapers! Did you know that when you let a newspaper sit for 2 weeks it will no longer rub off on your hands? That means you can put the kids to work on cleaning your stainless steel appliances (use Baby Oil or Olive Oil) and all the windows and sliding glass doors too!

spring cleaning

4. Options To Make Money & Sell Your Treasures

Now that you’ve gotten all the things sorted out that you don’t want to keep in your home anymore from your spring cleaning, it’s time to figure out what to do with them.

Here’s the exciting part –  here’s where you can get rid of your stuff and turn it into Cold Hard Cash with either a yard sale or by selling them!

Here are your options:

  • Sell Them Online
  • Have A Yard Sale
  • Trade Your Items For Cash (Or Gift Cards)
  • Or Donate Them

Seperate what you think would sell online for the most cash, then organize and price the rest for a spring cleaning yard sale.

spring cleaning

A. Sell Them Online

Selling your stuff online may be tricky, but with a little bit of homework, you can sell your stuff and make some money. It’s a great benefit from your spring cleaning!

You can sell your items online in places such as Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or even eBay. Here are some tips to get the most profit from them.

There are also some new phone apps that can help you sell your stuff:

spring cleaning

B. Have A Yard Sale

After you are done spring cleaning and tried to sell some stuff online, you can have a good old fashioned yard sale.

But first, you need to get organized!  Figure out when it will be held and then ask your neighbors to join in!

Then, call in the reinforcements. Call your family and friends and see if they would like to get in on the selling. The more junk to sell, the more you can attract people to your sale.


Stop Paying So Much For Cleaning Products!


Download this FREE sheet of 10 DIY Cleaning Supply Recipes to make your own cleaners in just a few minutes, with ingredients you probably already have on hand.

More Yard Sale Tips:

  • Think of the time of the month. Have your sale on the first or second weekend of the month to attract more people. Usually, people will have more money toward the beginning of the month.
  • Think of the season. Having a sale during the spring and fall months should keep the temperatures mild.
  • Think like a buyer: Do you like digging through stuff? Do you like it priced? What’s a great way to organize things so everything can be seen?
spring cleaning tips and tricks

3. Trade Your Items For Cash (Or Gift Cards)

Innovations in technology and commerce make it easier than ever to trade your unwanted goods and make a significant profit.

Things To Sell After Spring Cleaning:

  • CD’s, Video Games & DVDs
  • Antiques and Knick-Knacks
  • Electronics, Smartphones, Computers, Tablets, & Video Games
  • Books
  • Clothing

As you can see, there are a lot of things that can make you cash instead of ditching them in a box and throwing them away.

You might be surprised at how valuable your items really are!

spring cleaning tips and tricks

D. Donate Them

There are tons of places who desperately need your gently used clothing and household goods, so please do consider blessing others as well.

If items didn’t sell and you really don’t want them anymore, box them up and head to your local non-for-profit thrift store and donate them. There are a lot of non-profits that do a lot of good for the community just by selling your junk to others.

It’s really a win-win for everyone!

Make sure you maximize your tax donations by asking for a receipt when you donate.

Getting rid of these last items from your spring cleaning can truly make you feel better about yourself and your home.

As you can see, when you set out to renovate, refresh and re-energize your home this spring, these spring cleaning tips and tricks can help gett your home in shape and that makes you feel good!

And, when you have a spring cleaning yard sale, you can get rid of all the things you aren’t using and make some money to add to your savings account.

Plus, while you are spring cleaning to declutter your house, you can make more room to live, breathe and feel comfortable in your home again.

It’s a great time to spring clean everything!


Your Turn: When do your normally start your spring cleaning? What is one thing you always do to help get yourself motivated to start? Share with me below!

spring cleaning tips and tricks
How To Save Money & Make Money From Your Spring Cleaning